We're excited to share more about Crossroads - and get to know you better too! Wherever you are in life, we believe that God created you for a reason and to be in relationship with Him. That’s why our mission to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ is at the heart of everything we do!
Each of our worship services lasts about one hour. We begin by singing and worshiping God, then hear a message based on the Bible, and then wrap up with prayer and worship.
Our Kids at Crossroads ministry meets during the 10:30am service. It is designed for children ages Pre-K to 5th grade. It provides an environment where children can learn about and connect with God in a way they understand and love.
Most people join us 10-15 minutes early, so come early...the coffee is always on, children's check-in is open, and we would love to get to know you!
There is ample parking surrounding The REC, including handicap parking close to the building. Overflow parking is available in the Valley Credit lot to the North and on the street.
Come as you are whether it is relaxed, dressed up, ripped jeans, shorts, polos, tshirts—no matter how you arrive, we are glad to have you join us.
Our worship team will lead us in the music you hear on local Christian radio.
Crossroads is committed to communicating the good news of Jesus in a practical, applicable, and meaningful way at every age level.
Crossroads Fellowship is currently meeting at The REC, 3500 River Rd N, Keizer, OR 97303.